Our God is so good!
Our God is ..........indescribable, at times.
My family is finally coming to a turning point in our lives. I won't reveal details just yet, but it has been over a year long in the making. God has been speaking to Seth and I, and preparing us little by little for this point in our life together. We are both so excited, yet we are clinging to a bit of fear; fear of the unknown, I guess.
We know God will take care of us and provide for every need. We trust that God will honor our decision to step out in faith even if it isn't a perfect step.
So, why are we holding on to a smidgen of fear? Aren't we past this? *Sigh*
As we sat and worried if our decision was the right one or not, we turned to God and just asked Him.
He answered:
"Go in the strength you have...am I not sending you?" Judges 6:14
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline." 2 Timothy 1:7Amazing! I would call that a clear response from the Father; wouldn't you?
I will share more about this awesome time in our life as the story continues to develop. Seth and I appreciate any and all prayers as we seek God's face in this next chapter of our life together. All I can say is that it is VERY exciting and God is SO VERY good!
More details to come soon... :-)
I love it when God so clearly answers prayer with His word!
Praying for your next steps! Blessings on your journey.
Thank you Kristi! I appreciate the prayers :)
I really like your blog! It's pretty cool.
I can't wait to hear about what God is doing in your lives! Praying for you, friend!
Thank you Jamie! Definitely exciting. More updates to come...
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